9 1免费版下


Notices for January 21, 2019


Today's notices:

The 9 1免费版下 Universtiy Club  –  General Announcements
Monday, January 21, 2019
Grab a friend or colleague or both and join us at the Club
Human Resources
Monday, January 21, 2019
Persistence is key to seeing improvement.
Human Resources
Monday, January 21, 2019
Are you part of a faculty or administrative department/unit on campus and are looking for some help funding your next workplace wellness project?
Facilities  –  Facilities Management
Monday, January 21, 2019
Facilities Management would like to remind the 9 1免费版下 community to limit use of personal heaters or fans.
Student Affairs Communications  –  General Announcements
Monday, January 21, 2019
The Job & Career Fair is the largest on-campus career fair and open to all 9 1免费版下 and King鈥檚 students
Presidential Transition Committee  –  General Announcements
Monday, January 21, 2019
Halifax reception is today from 3:30-5 p.m. in the 9 1免费版下 Arts Centre's Sculpture Court.
Studying for Success Program  –  General Announcements
Monday, January 21, 2019
Faculty/Staff: Encourage your students to get organized and more engaged from the start this Winter. The 9 1免费版下 Study Skills Program (Halifax campuses) has workshops aimed at helping all students to become more effective learners.

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