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Notices for October 6, 2017



Today's notices:

Student Affairs Communications  –  General Announcements
Friday, October 6, 2017
The Q-Life helps students build resilience and prepare for dealing with every challenges and stress. Encourage your students to register before October 13.
Human Resources - Agricultural Campus  –  Job Postings
Friday, October 6, 2017
Research Assistant II (Plant, Food, & Env. Sciences (Truro) (Term Part-Time))
School of Information Management  –  Job Postings
Friday, October 6, 2017
Multiple positions available
Facilities Management  –  Facilities Management
Friday, October 6, 2017
The renewal of the eighth floor LSC Biology Greenhouse is nearing completion and a construction crane will be on site all day Saturday, October 7 to remove staging. The crane will be mobilizing from the loading dock entrance of the Biology wing and the two laneways leading in and out will be barricaded.
Facilities Management  –  Facilities Management
Friday, October 6, 2017
On the holiday Monday, October 9, the contractor will be moving the Dalplex driveway concrete barriers further westward. This will reduce the current driveway entrance width, so all drivers are asked to proceed with caution.
Public Administration/Management  –  Job Postings
Friday, October 6, 2017
MGMT 2803 – Management in the Public Sector
Centre for Learning and Teaching  –  General Announcements
Friday, October 6, 2017
Join Dr. Matthew Schnurr as he shares empirical results from two longitudinal studies of role-play simulations utilized in large-scale undergraduate survey courses in the social sciences.
Faculty of Medicine/Canadian Center for Vaccinology  –  General Announcements
Friday, October 6, 2017
Researchers at the Canadian Center for Vaccinology in the IWK Health Centre are looking for healthy participants aged 18-64 to take part in their flu studies this fall.

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