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University Teaching Fellow

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Deceased - January 20, 2022
In Memoriam

  • (PDF-123 KB)


Courses taught:
ERTH 1080 amd 1090: Geology I and II
ERTH 2203: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks ERTH/ENVS/CANA 2410: Environmental Issues in Earth Sciences
ERTH 4410: Environmental Geoscience SCIE/BIOL 4444: Leadership in Science

Additional Courses taught:
ERTH/GEOG/ 1030: Intro to Physical Geography
ERTH 2380: Geochemistry
ERTH 2430: Forensic and Medical Geology


Ph.D. (Earth Sciences), 9 1免费版下, Nova Scotia
M.Ed. (Literacy Education), Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia
B.Ed. (Secondary Education), Acadia University, Nova ScotiaMSc (Geology) Acadia University, Nova Scotia
B.Sc. (Geology, Chemistry, Maths), UCD (University College Dublin), Ireland


Research paths:

Geoscience Research:
Ongoing project: Environmental geochemistry, in particular, metals in urban soils
Metals and radionuclides in waters

(Geoscience) Education Research:
Visuals in teaching in the Geosciences: creativity and critical thinking
Threshold Concepts
Role of Conversations in teaching and learning, particularly
Working with science faculty and career development

Academic Positions

Co-ordinator of First Year Earth Sciences Program
Cross-Appointment with Environmental Science Program
Faculty Associate, Centre for Learning and Teaching